4 DIY Overnight Face Masks For Healthy Skin

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

<h3>1. Overnight Turmeric And Milk Face Mask</h3>
Raw milk is an excellent anti-tan agent. It proves to be an excellent natural remedy to treat sun tan at home. Moreover, raw milk comprises lactic acid, which helps in getting an even skin tone. Whereas, turmeric has antiseptic and antibacterial properties and also helps with skin brightening.
<h3>2. Overnight Egg White Face Mask</h3>
Are you looking for a soft, supple and nourished skin? Bring egg white to your rescue. Egg white is rich in vitamin A, which is known to tighten the skin, close pores, and, in fact, fights anti-aging issues.
<h3>3. Overnight Oats And Honey Face Mask</h3>
Oats contain compounds called saponins, which act as natural cleansers. Oats can soak up the excess oil on your skin and helps reduce acne. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help treat dry skin and remove dead skin cells. Honey is a fantastic moisturiser and works wonders on patches of dry skin. If you have dry knees and elbows, or even chapped lips, apply honey on it.
<h3>4. Overnight Tomato Face Mask</h3>
Tomato works as an astringent. It is best for acne-prone skin. It also helps in reviving the glow on dull skin and is an excellent remedy for sunburn.

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
Author Profile

Ahmed Magdy

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