Has anyone else reached the stage of quarantine where your yoga mat and weights have started to collect dust, and you just <i>can’t </i>seem to bring yourself to lace up your sneakers and get your sweat on? We’ve been there. But getting back into the swing of sweating on the daily doesn’t have to feel daunting! All it takes are some simple tips and tricks to get your groove back.
Here’s how:
- <b>First Things First:</b> Have you ever planned to exercise in the afternoon or evening, but before you know it it’s 6 PM, you’re still working away, and you haven’t even <i>thought</i> about what’s for dinner?! Then you postpone your workout until tomorrow only to find yourself in the same situation as the day before? It’s a vicious cycle! Our tried and true tactic for avoiding the excuses? Wake up and workout! This will help to cultivate a consistency to your workout routine <i>and bonus!</i> You’ll have more energy to slay the rest of your day.
- <b>Feeling Fresh: </b>Let’s be real, what better way to motivate yourself to break a sweat than a new outfit?! When we’ve got a fresh pair of yoga pants and a new workout tank waiting for us to get our sweat on, we’re suddenly <i>much</i> more motivated to get back to it. So go ahead—treat yourself!
- <b>Grab a Partner: </b>It’s a cliché because it’s <i>true.</i> Finding your sweat sesh sidekick can be a real game changer in terms of staying motivated and sticking to a regular workout routine. Whether it’s your spouse, child, a friend or heck, maybe even your dog, having someone who can keep you accountable is the key. Plus, fitness is just more fun with friends and family!
- <b>The Power of the Playlist: </b>Do not underestimate the power of the perfect playlist! Curating the perfect playlist can actually make you look forward to your next workout instead of dreading it. You know those songs that make you feel all the feels? Add those to your fitness playlist and you’ll be amazed at how much it can motivate you!
- <b>Track Your Progress: </b>You know that intense feeling of satisfaction you get from crossing something off of your to-do list? (Best. Feeling. Ever.) Well, you’ll get that same stellar feeling by tracking your fitness progress! Keep a log of your daily activity and write down every workout you complete.
So, the next time you’re tempted to hit “Next Episode” instead of getting up and getting at it, remember these five simple tricks to help you get back on your workout grind!