5 Ways to Be a Sustainable Traveler

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos


We think of traveling sustainably as a movement of respectful travelers who live at the intersection of deeper travel experiences and caring for our planet and its people. This is a journey of awareness and travel decisions that aim to respect and protect the local environment, culture and economy. These 20 tips to be a more sustainable traveler are ones you can use every day…whether on your next trip or at home.

1. Remember first that you are a guest.
Come bearing respect for your host country and its people, and demonstrate this by your actions and engagement. In return, you’ll maximize the likelihood that you will be treated in kind.

2. Dress respectfully.
If in doubt, err on the side of more clothes, less skin. Not only does dressing appropriately help you fit in, but it also reduces the possibility of offending. Remember that this is their country and their home, not yours. Buying and wearing a local piece of clothing (e.g., a headscarf or an outfit in the local style) can help you fit in. It may even jumpstart a few conversations.
3. Release your inner child.
Don’t be afraid to show your curiosity when you travel. Not only does asking questions satiate your curiosity and enable you to learn more about the place you are visiting, but it offers a gateway of exchange and engagement with local people. Consider starting with simple, non-threatening topics like food, markets, and children (ages, names, etc.) and you just might find a conversation that leads to family, life, politics, and more.
4. Use open body language.
Smile, be polite, be gracious. These simple acts and their spirit can take you a long way. On the smile front, we don’t advocate fake, goofy grins, but a genuine smile does make a positive first impression; it can help build goodwill, especially when you don’t share a spoken language. Remember that over 50% of communication is non-verbal.
5. Learn a couple words of the local language, at least.
Even if you consider yourself a foreign language lost cause, try to retain at least 4-5 key words in the local language that you can use for greeting people, niceties, and politely ordering food. The big three (hello, please and thank you) offer a good starting point. We also try to learn an oddball word that will throw people off, break a smile, and start a discussion.

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
Author Profile

Ahmed Magdy

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ايقظ التنين بداخلك / اسمــــا / القوة الخفية بداخلك / علي حافة الجنون / حوار مع الذات يهتم بمجال التنمية البشرية و الوعي البشري و عمل بالمجال المصرفي منذ اكثر من 15 عاماً بفضل الله سبحانه و تعالي – روح حرة فى ملكوت الخالق و ما اوتيت من العلم الا قليلا


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