Gym and fitness

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

Health and fitness are directly proportional to food. The good food you have the healthier you will be. We should have a balanced diet. It should contain nutrients as per your needs. If you work in an office where you have a lot of brainwork, then you should prefer protein-rich food; whereas if you have to apply muscular force then you should go for carbohydrates. It does not mean to have only proteins and carbs. Your food should contain more amounts of these materials.
Being healthy and fit are two different terms but are interlinked to each other. Health is a state of body where your body, as well as the brain, are in a good state. Staying fit is something that reflects your body’s stamina and strength.
We see many old people but they look active and fit. Staying fit is something you need to maintain. We should go for regular exercise and have a good diet. Having food fulfills your daily need and doing physical activities makes you active and fit.
We should prefer doing yoga because it maintains our health as well as gives us mental peace. We should always have a “Me Time”. Eat healthy food and follow some healthy daily routine and stay fit and healthy forever.

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
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Ahmed Magdy

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