Nine arches bridge sri lanka

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

Built by the British in 1921, this is one of the top attractions in Ella. The bridge was originally supposed to be constructed using steel but the steel was relocated by the British and the bridge was then constructed using bricks. It’s named 9 arches because of the nine arches that are a part of its construction.

Make sure you know how to get there because there are multiple ways to get to the bridge and you’ll be lost if you don’t choose the right path. There is a small walk/trek to reach the bridge but you can also hail an autorickshaw. if you choose to walk then it isn’t suitable to take infants. If you’re there early enough you can also see the sunrise at the bridge.

The bridge is still in use and we also saw a passing train while we were there. I don’t think there are many railway bridges that let you walk, sit and take pictures on the railway tracks. Perfect for IG influencers! It was set between a forest so the views were amazing!

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
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Ahmed Magdy

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