Longest Sea beach In The World

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

Cox’s Bazar is a town on the southeast coast of Bangladesh. It’s known for its very long, sandy beachfront, stretching from Sea Beach in the north to Kolatoli Beach in the south. Aggameda Khyang monastery is home to bronze statues and centuries-old Buddhist manuscripts. South of town, the tropical rainforest of Himchari National Park has waterfalls and many birds. North, sea turtles breed on nearby Sonadia Island. ― Google
Area: 23.4 km²
Elevation: 3 m
Weather: 29°C, Wind W at 13 km/h, 72% Humidity
Local time: Tuesday 4:19 PM
District: Cox’s Bazar District

Cox’s Bazar is one of the world’s longest natural sea beaches (120 kilometres (75 mi) long including mud flats).

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
Author Profile

Ahmed Magdy

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