Beauty Standards

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

The pressure on women to be beautiful in today’s society has changed. It hasn’t disappeared, in fact, it’s grown larger and more diverse. It’s changed from being voluptuous and curvy to skinny to curvy again. It seems as if one can never look the way society wants them to look. And it’s as if you also have to be a certain kind of curvy, or a certain kind of skinny, to meet the standards set by tabloids, social media, etc. People spend so much of their time pining to look a certain way, spending hours applying makeup, and getting plastic surgery. What are they even trying to look like anyways? A version of themselves that leaves them unrecognizable, but somehow barely scrapes the bottom of the barrel full of unrealistic expectations? And how will that reflect on all those little girls out there who look up to their favorite celebrities, and see how fake, fake, fake, they look. Those poor little girls’ heads will be filled with misconceptions of natural beauty and will think the only way to be beautiful is to get plastic surgery, which is basically having doctors shape your face or body just so other people will like you. Can’t people just appreciate the diversity of different body types? Different face shapes, skin tones, and hair textures? That is what makes you beautiful.

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
Author Profile

Ahmed Magdy

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