California and Texas brace for Spring Breakers after Florida sees crowded beache

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

<p class=”speakable”>Texas and California have urged spring break travelers to reconsider plans amid fears of surging COVID-19 cases after pictures and video of college students packing the Florida beaches flooded social media.</p>
<p class=”speakable”>Popular spring break destinations in Florida saw college students packing the beaches in bikinis, but no face masks in sight. The surge in out-of-state visitors forced a popular Fort Lauderdale destination to ban any visitors under the age of 23.</p>
“During Spring Break season #WharfFTL will be 23+ for all guests with out-of-state ID,” the announcement said.

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
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Ahmed Magdy

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