
Founded in 2009, Axis Mutual Fund is sponsored by Axis Bank – www.axismf.com Best Mutual Funds in India

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

 Founded in 2009, Axis Mutual Fund is sponsored by Axis Bank


Gain 100$ easy way now!!


Guided by our commitment to responsibility, we aim to provide quality financial and investment solutions to help people feel financially secure and confident of a brighter and prosperous future.

We are for those individuals who dare to dream and take risks, all the while being responsible. And for them, we are committed to going the extra mile.
Axis Mutual Fund: The responsible fund for the responsible

Statutory Details: Axis Mutual Fund has been established as a Trust under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, sponsored by Axis Bank Ltd. (liability restricted to Rs. 1 Lakh). Trustee: Axis Mutual Fund Trustee Ltd. Investment Manager: Axis Asset Management Co. Ltd. (the AMC). Risk Factors: The sponsor is not liable or responsible for any loss or shortfall resulting from the operation of the scheme. Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
Author Profile

Ahmed Magdy

مدون و كاتب مصري

ايقظ التنين بداخلك / اسمــــا / القوة الخفية بداخلك / علي حافة الجنون / حوار مع الذات يهتم بمجال التنمية البشرية و الوعي البشري و عمل بالمجال المصرفي منذ اكثر من 15 عاماً بفضل الله سبحانه و تعالي – روح حرة فى ملكوت الخالق و ما اوتيت من العلم الا قليلا


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