Picnic Spots Near Shillong

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

Surrounded by beautiful pine forests and gorgeous mountains, Shillong is a hill station in India that brings to mind John Muir’s famous quote “Keep close to nature’s heart…and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods.” Also known as the “Scotland of the East” due to its eerie resemblance to the gorgeous country of Europe, Shillong is a spectacular place. Apart from the glorious natural beauty of Shillong, the town itself is unique as well. The city was founded by the British rulers to spend their summer vacations. Hence, you can see the influence of colonial architecture in the buildings located over there quite easily. If you are planning to visit Shillong, do not forget to spend a day leisurely amid the splendid beauty over there. But it doesn’t end there. Shillong is beautiful in itself, yes but the picnic spots near Shillong, increase its beauty multifold.
<h2 id=”1_2″ class=”h2_Waypoints_blogpage”>Top Picnic Spots Near Shillong</h2>
The sites included in the list are located not that far away from Shillong. Most tourists visit their love to spend some time over there with their families and loved ones. These are quite popular among travelers from all over the world.

1. Mawlynnong – 78 Km From Shillong
2. Umiam Lake – 17 Km From Shillong
3. Mawsynram – 60 Km From Shillong
4. David Scott Trail – 26.5 Km From Shillong
5. Nohsngithiang Falls – 97.9 Km From Shillong
6. Mawphlang – 25.7 Km From Shillong
7. Jakrem – 64 Km From Shillong
8. Kyllang Rock – 58.1 Km From Shillong

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
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Ahmed Magdy

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