Visit Sundarban in Bangladesh

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

Eco-tourism is a new form of tourism that has developed very fast in the last 15 years. There are many forms of tourism recently developed, but eco-tourism has been found most popular and acceptable to many countries. This year has been declared as World International eco-tourism year

IUCN Eco-tourism as `Environmentally responsible travel to undisturbed natural areas to enjoy and appreciate nature that promotes conservation and provides benefit to the local community through active socio economic involvement.’

The international Eco-tourism Society (TIES) defined eco-tourism as Responsible travel to nature areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well being of local people.' Now-a-days there are many other terms of eco-tourism are being used. Such assoft tourism’, green tourism',nature tourism’, `low impact tourism’ etc.

Mostly the tourist are holiday travelers and they go for different kinds of tourism such as Mountain tourism, Sea tourism, Riverine tourism, Skiing tourism, City tourism, Cultural tourism, Historical tourism, and Special interest tourism. Eco-tourism comes under special interest tourism who has nature base tourism. In Bangladesh Eco-tourism exist only in Sundarban in a limited scale. In Sundarban eco-tourism has been identified as a tool to promote conservation for environmental awareness and education and for the enjoyment of nature for both international and domestic visitors.

The Sundarban reserved forest (SRF) in Bangladesh is the single largest mangrove forest in the world. Sundarban is very famous for unique ecosystem, river networks, which is a landmark of ancient heritage of mythological historical events with magnificent scenic beauty and natural resources for its wide Biodiversity of mangrove flora and fauna both on land and water.

In 1999 UNESCO declared the wildlife sanctuaries of the Sundarban as World Heritage Sites in order to protect the unique natural resources, plants, animals and the existing ecosystem.

The main attractions of the Sundarban are wildlife enthausiasm. The opportunity to sail in the solitude of wilderness through its hundreds of channel, to learn more about the Royal Bengal Tiger and the possibility to view the majestic creature, to view the estuarine crocodile on the mudflat banks, a number of deer and to learn more about the mangrove forest. Tourists can visit different methods of fishing and specially appreciate otter fishing which is unique, Most important of all to be in Sundarban away from all location in the calm and wilderness area.

The development of eco-tourism in the Sundarban is one of the top priorities of the Forest Department It forms part of the existing Government national objectives concerning existing and proposed tourism policies in Bangladesh. The Eco-Tourism Development and Management Plan advises on legislation, tourism practices, structural changes, training and facilities requirements, environmental impact, and marketing and promotion strategies. It will contribute to the development of a healthy, responsible and sustainable type of eco-tourism for the benefit of all.

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
Author Profile

Ahmed Magdy

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