Will you travel to a hot or cold place?

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos

This is a preferred theme when choosing the destination for our family vacations, but what is the most common thing they choose? The beach always wins, I think that every family prefers to enjoy a few days full of sun, where they can cool off and spend moments of fun games, but why not in a cold place? In my case, it seems like a better option since we are mostly on the beach even to celebrate a wedding, maybe many do not like it because you have to wear a lot of clothes to keep warm, there is not much to have fun, but it all depends on the place and the place you visit Anyway, in order to go with the family, I choose anything … happiness and union is the most important thing.

الصورة الرمزية لـ princeshetos
Author Profile

Ahmed Magdy

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